The Un-Trollable Luke Tulloch

Apr 29, 2021
About Luke Tulloch: I'm an insufferable coffee geek, average guitar player, and animal-lover.
I've been a personal trainer in Sydney, Australia for 13 years (although I'm currently living in Gothenburg, Sweden). I've also attended university to study neuroscience, started an online education business, and delivered in-person seminars around the world.
I know how much it sucks when you love training but can't quite seem to get the results you want. I've been there myself, but luckily I've developed the tools to get unstuck through years of reading research and gaining coaching experience.
I'm lucky enough to help people who love to train feel lean and strong without the constant food stress and second-guessing that often comes with chasing your ideal physique.
Learn More Here: Luke Tulloch

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